Your Files
General File Information
Our servers are UNIX based, and this means that all files are case sensitive. From experience, we’ve found it easiest to use all lower case file names as it helps keep files consistent.
For web related files, spaces are also not allowed in the file name, so be sure to either replace any space with ‘_’ (underscore character) or a ‘-‘ (dash).
Regardless of what software you use to put your files online, one of the more important things you need to know is that once you connect to the server, you’ll usually be in your home directory/folder. This is where all of your setting files are located. You will need to change to your public_html directory before placing your web files online. Look for public_html in the list of files and folders. Select/Enter it, and then you may see a list of files and folders such as
- cgi-bin - this folder is empty, but you can place cgi-bin script files in this folder
- favicon.ico - this file is looked for by web browsers whenever someone views or bookmarks your web files. You can find more resources about this file at or Favicon Generator.
Only when you can see the above files (and similar), you can upload your web files to your directory.
Placing files online
To place files online, one of the easiest methods is FTP. Regardless of the type of FTP program you use, to access your directory, you will need to use your account name and password.
Some FTP programs come set up for anonymous use, if this is the case, you will need to tell the program to log in and use your account ID as the login name. You will then be prompted for your password.
Once this information has been accepted, you will be in your home directory/folder. This is NOT where your web pages should be uploaded. Move into your public_html folder before uploading your web files.
cPanel File Manager
There’s an excellent File Manager built into the cPanel that allows you to view your folders, upload files, download, copy, move, rename, and even edit files from the comfort of your web browser. View our tutorial on the File Manager to learn more about it.
Web Disk
Another way of accessing your files area is to set up a ‘Web Disk’ from the cPanel. This allows your computer to see your online folders as if they were part of your computer’s hard drive, making it very easy to work with your files. See our support page on the Web Disk for more information.